Table of Contents
The Paper-USBasp is a Paper-PCB version of an USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. The board based on the USBasp Board of Thomas Fischl. On the paper version the serial connection (RX and TX) were removed. A jumper for 3.6V was added.
The Paper USBasp can be perfectly combined with the Programming Board for programming AVR chips:
Or certainly it can be used to burn your bootloader on your Paperduino-Uno:
Here: one find all schematics and manuals for the original USBasp board. They are similar to the paper version of the programmer.
Here is a manual for burning the firmware
- Atmega8 or Atmega48
- IC socket, 28 pin
- 2 LEDs red, green
- 1 elkos 4,7µF
- 1 capacitors 100nF
- 2 capacitors 22pF
- 2 diodes 1N4007
- 2 z-diodes 3.6V
- resistors: 1x 2,2kOhm, 2x 68Ohm, 1x 10kOhm, 3x 270Ohm
- USB socket
- 10 pin socket
- pins and jumper
The Paper-USBasp was designed by Wolfgang Spahn 2013.
It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.