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MIDI Keyboard

A 25 key Midi keyboard based on an Arduino (Atmega328P-PU). It has an small OLED Display, too.

Pulldown Resistor

Every botton is connected to +5V and at the pin to the MCP23017 it has a 10k pulldown resistor to ground.


 I2C      	SDA 	SCL
 Arduino Uno 	A4 	A5

Setting the Adress

To set the I2C address of the MCP23017 one has to connect A0, A1 and A2 to GND or to power.
GND = 0 and +5V = 1

 A0 	A1 	A2 	adresse
 0 	0 	0 	0x20    0
 1 	0 	0 	0x21    1
 0 	1 	0 	0x22    2
 1 	1 	0 	0x23    3
 0 	0 	1 	0x24    4
 1 	0 	1 	0x25    5
 0 	1 	1 	0x26    6
 1 	1 	1 	0x27    7

And in the code one has to put the address in the “begin” command:



OLED Display


 GND: power ground
 VCC: 3.3v or 5.0V power supply
 D0: ClK
 D1: MOSI data
 RST: Reset
 DC: Data/Command
 CS: Chip select Port

Bit Converter
