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+Table of Contents
PS202 - MIDI-Duino
An Midi-In and Thru/Out Board based on the Arduino Pro Micro. It can be used to controll all kind of devices like motors and lights. With an Arduino IDE modification one can use Midi over USB, too. A jumper allows to switch between Midi-thru and Midi-out.
- Resistors:
- 3x 220 Ohm
- 3x 2 kOhm
- 1x 1 kOhm
- 1x 3.3 kOhm
- Capacitor:
- 3x keramic Cap 100 nF
- 2x electrolytic capacitor 100 µF
- Semiconductors:
- 1x Arduino Pro Micro
- 1x 7805
- 1x inverter 74 LS 04N
- 1x optokoppler 6N138
- Diodes:
- 3x LED Low Current 2mA
- 1x 1N4148
- 1x 1N4007
- Mechanical:
- 1x 8 pin IC socket
- 1x 14 pin IC socket
- 1x 10 pin socket strip
- 1x 12 pin socket strip
- 1x connector
- 2x MIDI socket 5 pol 180°
- 1x push button
- 1/3 160x100mm 2.54mm raster stripboard
Example Code
Arduino IDE hack
ARCORE USB-Midi hack for the Leonardo. One has to modify the Arduino IDE to run MIDI over USB.
USB-Midi installation manual
Arduino MIDI Library
The Arduino MIDI Library v4.2 for Midi over TX/RX is here:
The Arduino Pro Micro clone
Fast PWM
A super tutorial for the fast PWM on Arduino Leonardo:
Due to the fact that the Pro Micro has no pin 11 or 13 I had to activate fast PWM on pin 5. It is the complementary channel A and thats why all values are 255 - value.
And here's the code:
void pwmSet5(int value) { OCR4A = 255 - value; // Set the negativ PWM value DDRC |= 1 << 6; // Set Output Mode C6 TCCR4A = 0x42; // Activate the complementary channel A }
MIDI Library
Here are the links for the MIDI library for MIDI over the serial pins (TX, RX).
MIDI Library 4.2
MIDI Library Callbacks Description