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paper_bits:pb401_vc_echo [2022/03/06 12:24]
admin [PB401 VC Echo]
paper_bits:pb401_vc_echo [2022/03/06 12:37] (current)
admin [PB401 VC Echo]
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 ===== PB401 VC Echo ===== ===== PB401 VC Echo =====
-The echo and delay module ​based on the digital delay chip [[http://​www.princeton.com.tw/​Portals/​0/​Product/​PT2399_1.pdf|PT2399]]. The amount of echo could be changed with a potientiometer. The length of the delay could be adjusted with a 5V control voltage ​ (0 to 5V) or optional with a potientiometer, ​ too\\+ 
 +PB401 VC Echo is the echo and delay module ​for the [[paper_bits:​paper_bits_main|Paper-Bits]]\\ 
 +It isbased ​on the digital delay chip [[http://​www.princeton.com.tw/​Portals/​0/​Product/​PT2399_1.pdf|PT2399]]. The amount of echo could be changed with a potientiometer. The length of the delay could be adjusted with a 5V control voltage ​ (0 to 5V) optional with a potientiometer, ​ too. This could be set with a jumper. ​\\
 The board was developed by Wolfgang Spahn in 2017. With the friendly support of his intern at that time [[http://​ioanavrememoser.com| Ioana Vreme Moser]].\\ The board was developed by Wolfgang Spahn in 2017. With the friendly support of his intern at that time [[http://​ioanavrememoser.com| Ioana Vreme Moser]].\\