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avr_bootloader:burning_firmware [2014/07/23 16:32]
avr_bootloader:burning_firmware [2020/06/11 22:13] (current)
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-**Firmata & Infos** +With the command line tool [[http://​www.nongnu.org/​avrdude/​|AVRdude]] one can burn the firmware on the Atmega8 chip.\\ 
- +Download the firmware ​from: [[http://​www.fischl.de/​usbasp/​]]. And read the [[http://​www.fischl.de/​usbasp/​Readme.txt|Readme.txt]].\\
-Download the firmata ​from: [[http://​www.fischl.de/​usbasp/​]]. And read the [[http://​www.fischl.de/​usbasp/​Readme.txt|Readme.txt]].\\+
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-**Workaround ​for Atmega8 ​on Linux**+**Workaround on Linux**
 1. Erase:\\ 1. Erase:\\
   $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -e   $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -e
 2. Set Fusebits\\ 2. Set Fusebits\\
-  $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -U hfuse:w:0xc9:m +  $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -U HFUSE=0xc9 
-  $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -U hfuse:​w:​0xc9:​m+  $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -U LFUSE=0xef
 3. Burn the Hex File:\\ 3. Burn the Hex File:\\
   $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -b115200 -U flash:​w:​usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex:​i   $ sudo avrdude ​ -p atmega8 -c stk500v2 -P /​dev/​ttyACM0 -b115200 -U flash:​w:​usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex:​i
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