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Symbiotic Synth

A self-sufficient audio biofeedback

The Symbiotic Synth is a low voltage oscillator that is powered as well as controlled by the human body.
It uses as the only power source the body temperature. The Seebeck effect of a Peltier element drives an electric oscillator. The difference of the body to the environment temperature just can generates some millivolt. But with some tricks and some High Tech one can convert these some Volts and an astable multivibrator can be powered with that. It will oscillate in a audible range depending on the setting. With a connected headphone one can listen to the sound.
In attaching some light and temperature depending resistors in the circuit one can have variations of the sound based on the human body and its functions. The generated sound will change depending on breath, heart beat, skin resistance and body temperature.
With all that both is possible to power and to modulate a synthesizer with the own human body. And because the generated sound will stimulate the body function, too the Symbiotic Synth as an self-sufficient audio biofeedback device.

LTC 3108 module

One can use also a LTC3108 module:

Power Outputs:

 1. Vout with selectable voltage and
 2. Vout2 which follows Vout in terms of voltage level

Jumper Setting:

 1+3 Vout = 5V
 1+4 Vout = 4.1V
 2+3 Vout = 3.3V
 2+4 Vout = 2.35V


 S - additional storage element
 V1 - Vout1, up to 5mA of output current
 V2 - Vout2, up to 300mA output current
 L - LDO
 G - Ground\\