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Paper-PCBs or Paperboards

Paper-PCBs are PCBs based on paper print outs combined with standart protoboards (copper strip boards).
These boards are a fantastic way for rapid prototyping, easy to make and easy to modifier.

That site is a sideproject of the artist Wolfgang Spahn. All boards are developed for and used in his art work, performances and installations. The Paper Synthesizers are developed in collaboration with Antti Pussinen.

For better use and for protection there are frames for Paper PCB, too:


Here are all kind of boards and clones based on the Arduino.

Paper Synthesizer

Paper Synthesizer is a modular environment to sculpt electricity into waveforms.


Paper Bits is a small modular sythesizer, with a 8 Step-Sequenzer and 3 Oscillator. A sinus wave VCO, and a synced square/triangel wave VCO.

Boards for the Raspberry Pi

Here you'll find Paperduino Pi boards for all the missing analog and digital in- and outputs, VGA boards and more.

AVR & Bootloader

Here one find all kind of AVR programmer and manuals.

Arduino Boards

Here you find boards and shields for the Arduino or your Paperduino.

Old & Others

Old and obsolete projects.

In Development

All these boards are in an early development stage.

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