This is an old revision of the document!

== Burning the Bootloader ==============================

For burning the bootloader you need to connect these pins on your Paperduino-UNO with the programmer:

  • 11 - MOSI
  • 12 - MISO
  • 13 - SCK
  • Reset
  • Ground
  • + 5V

== Burning the bootloader with an AVR programmer ======

On the foto you see the ISP programmer with an ISP adapter board.

These are the connection of an original ISP header.

Cause my ISP programmer (in-system programmer) has a different protokoll as the originale AVR-ISP programmer I had to modifie the file: programmers.txt
in that folder:
The third line has to change to:

== Burning the bootoloader with an Arduino ===============
You can use your Arduino to burn the bootloder. Just load the ArduinoISP (in examples) on your Arduino. Connect the pins like that:
