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paper_bits:pb204_sync-sequencer [2020/06/11 22:13] external edit
paper_bits:pb204_sync-sequencer [2020/07/16 18:11] (current)
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 =====PB204 Sync Sequencer ===== =====PB204 Sync Sequencer =====
 +** There is a new version of the sequencer use the [[paper_bits:​pb206_sequence_recall|PB206 Sequence (Total) Recall]] instead**\\
 That is the latest 8 step sequencer for the Paper Bits. One can change steps, speed and the value of two independent CV output. Because it has an external trigger input one can easily synchronize them. It's evan possible to build an 16, 24 or 32 step sequencer out of two, three or more of them.\\ That is the latest 8 step sequencer for the Paper Bits. One can change steps, speed and the value of two independent CV output. Because it has an external trigger input one can easily synchronize them. It's evan possible to build an 16, 24 or 32 step sequencer out of two, three or more of them.\\