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avr_bootloader:attiny [2020/02/14 17:35]
admin [License]
avr_bootloader:attiny [2020/06/11 22:13]
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-===== Programming the ATtiny ===== 
-Here is a short manual for programming an ATtiny with the Arduino IDE.\\ 
-First install the ATtiny support for the Arduino IDE.\\ 
-1.In the preferences dialog of the Arduino IDE type in the  “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field that URL:\\ 
-  https://​raw.githubusercontent.com/​damellis/​attiny/​ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/​package_damellis_attiny_index.json 
-2. In the board manager install the ATtiny librarie by David A. Mellis ([[https://​github.com/​damellis/​attiny]])\\ 
-3. Connect the ATtiny with your AVRISP programmer like that:\\ 
-4. Upload the blink programm (use pin 0 instead of pin13). 
-==== Knowlegde ==== 
-<div align="​left">​ 
-<a href="​http://​orig06.deviantart.net/​82c9/​f/​2013/​038/​3/​7/​attiny_web_by_pighixxx-d5u4aur.png">​ 
-<img src="​http://​orig06.deviantart.net/​82c9/​f/​2013/​038/​3/​7/​attiny_web_by_pighixxx-d5u4aur.png"></​a>​ 
-==== License ==== 
-This manual was made by **Wolfgang Spahn** 2016-20.\\ 
-It is licensed under a [[http://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/"​|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]]. 
-<a rel="​license"​ href="​http://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/"><​img alt="​Creative Commons License"​ style="​border-width:​0"​ src="​https://​i.creativecommons.org/​l/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/​88x31.png"​ /></​a> ​ 