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analog_computer:9v_battery_supply [2019/07/01 19:02]
analog_computer:9v_battery_supply [2020/06/11 22:13] (current)
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-===== +9V and -9V Battery Supply =====+===== Confetti ​9V Battery Supply ===== 
 The most simple way to realize a positive and negative power source for the analog computer [[analog_computer:​analog_computer_main|Confetti]] is to use two 9V batteries and connect the positive pole of one battery to the negative pole of the other. The red wire is allway the plus and the black one allways minus. This new build connection is the so called common ground. It's marked on the boards as COM. The other two are +9V and -9V. One can use them instead of +12V and -12V. In soldering all three to a three pin connector one gets a nice power supply.\\ The most simple way to realize a positive and negative power source for the analog computer [[analog_computer:​analog_computer_main|Confetti]] is to use two 9V batteries and connect the positive pole of one battery to the negative pole of the other. The red wire is allway the plus and the black one allways minus. This new build connection is the so called common ground. It's marked on the boards as COM. The other two are +9V and -9V. One can use them instead of +12V and -12V. In soldering all three to a three pin connector one gets a nice power supply.\\
 {{ :​analog_computer:​confett_9v_power_8583.jpg?​600 |}} {{ :​analog_computer:​confett_9v_power_8583.jpg?​600 |}}
-An other possibility would be to build the [[analog_computer:​confetti003_power_brick|Confetti003 Power Brick]]\\+=== Schematic === 
 +   +9V ---- +9V 
 +   -9V \ 
 +        --- com 
 +   +9V / 
 +   -9V ---- -9V 
 +If one want a proper power supply with +-12V or +-15V one can build the [[analog_computer:​confetti003_power_brick|Confetti003 Power Brick]].\\
 ---- ----
 +==== License ====
 +This manual was made by **Wolfgang Spahn** 2016-20.\\
 +It is licensed under a [[http://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/"​|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]].
 +<a rel="​license"​ href="​http://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/"><​img alt="​Creative Commons License"​ style="​border-width:​0"​ src="​https://​i.creativecommons.org/​l/​by-nc-sa/​4.0/​88x31.png"​ /></​a> ​