A simple OGG Player for the Arduino. It's based on the VS1000 Audio Module of VSLI Solution. The Board provide all pins for headphone and line out like the module.
One needs an SD Card, upload the ogg-files and because it's controlled over serial protocol it's super simple to control it with the Arduino.
The continuous playing mode understands the following single-byte commands:
In file play mode files are not played automatically. To change into file play mode, send f, then you can send C to cancel playback.
The file play mode commands are single-line commands ending with the newline character (0x0a).
The following commands are currently implemented:
Continuous play mode commands are available during the playing of the song.
The OGG-Player-Board was designed by Wolfgang Spahn 2012-14.
It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.