===== PB106 VC Oscillator ===== It's basicaly one halfe of the [[paper_bits:pb107_syncvcoii|PB107 Sync VCO II]]. That's were you find the schematic, too, it is the same just without the sync poti. ---- ====Paper PCB==== {{:paper_bits:pb106_vc_oscillator_02.jpg?400|}}\\ {{ :paper_bits:pb106_vc_oscillator_02.ai.zip |}} ---- ==== Parts ==== * **Resistors:** * 1x 1 kOhm * 1x 4.7 kOhm * 1x 3.9 kOhm * 2x 10 kOhm * 5x 47 kOhm * 2x 100 kOhm * **Capacitors:** * 1x 10 nF * **Electrolytic Capacitors:** * 2x 10µF * **Semiconductors:** * 1x BC547 transistor * 1x LM358 OpAmp * 1x 1n4148 diode * **Mechanical:** * 2x IC socket, 8pins * 1x pin strip 1x9 * 2x pin header, female 90° 1x3, 1x2 * 2x pin header, male 90° 1x3, 1x2 * 3x jumpers * 1x mini switch * **Potentiometers:** * 1x 10k * 1x 50k ---- ==== License ==== The PB106 VC Oscillator was designed by **Wolfgang Spahn**, 2017-20.\\ It is licensed under a [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/"|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]]. Creative Commons License ----