This is an old revision of the document!

== Burning the Bootloader ==============================

For burning the bootloader you need to connect the following pins on your Paperduino-UNO with your ISP programmer (in-system programmer):

  • 11 - MOSI
  • 12 - MISO
  • 13 - SCK
  • Reset
  • Ground
  • + 5V

== Burning the bootloader with an AVR ISP programmer ==

On the foto you see the ISP programmer with an ISP adapter board. But you could also build your own modified wire like that on theMini Bootloader project. Anyway here are the connection of an original ISP header.

Cause my ISP programmer has a different protokoll as the originale AVR-ISP programmer I had to modifie the file: programmers.txt
in that folder(on Linux):
The third line has to change to:

== Burning the bootoloader with an Arduino ===============
You can use your Arduino to burn the bootloder. Just load the ArduinoISP (in examples) on your Arduino. Connect the pins like that:
